

Energy, Food & Health

56 yrs:

Still sportive, sometimes unbalanced, 'stand-up' for what's right type of, dyslexic, man


In this realm of the 'Possible', scars are re-aligned. The re-aligning of post-op scars should, would, or could make the 'Artists' (of surgery) works even more magical.


The biological chemistry, of food's physics.


Coaching teenage boys into manhood, via sport. Conversing with 1 Old and 2024 New Friends.


If 'To serve the greater good' is A.I.'s goal.

Could A.G.I. re-program all immoral monopolies?

Where do restored scars 'magically' disappear to?

Abracadabra, Hocus Pocus

2 Christopher

What’s in a degree of scarred-tissue?

(that isn't in every degree of a Disease Risk Factor)

Ajeanious is ‘not’ a genius.

This is ajeanious?